Quilt Server-side Mods

A list of server-side mods for the Quilt mod loader; including many Fabric mods (which are compatible with Quilt) and some Quilt-only mods.

View the source and contribute on GitHub here!

See Optifine Alternatives for a few useful client side only mods!

Mods on this list are marked as outdated when they are two major Minecraft versions old - e.g. if 1.16 is the latest version, 1.14 and older mods are considered outdated.

Filtering options (317 currently shown)

Available from:


Carpet Extra CurseForge
Carpet TIS Addition Modrinth CurseForge
Carpet CurseForge GitHub
Fabrication CurseForge
Illegal Stack Fixer CurseForge
Wither Cage Fix Modrinth CurseForge
Chunk Saving Fix CurseForge outdated
Dimension Mutability CurseForge outdated
Dimension Update Fixer CurseForge outdated


Shapes Edit CurseForge
WorldEdit CurseForge


Chat+ CurseForge
Drogtor the Nickinator CurseForge
FabricTailor Modrinth CurseForge
Hewo CurseForge
ItemFlexer Modrinth CurseForge
Player Roles Modrinth CurseForge
Chat History CurseForge outdated
simplechat. CurseForge outdated
Text Coloriser Plugin CurseForge outdated

Join Messages/MOTD

CustomJoinMessagesFabric CurseForge outdated
EasyMOTD CurseForge outdated

Chat Linking


Discord Integration Fabric Modrinth CurseForge
DisFabric CurseForge
Fabric-Discord Link Modrinth CurseForge
Fabric2Discord Modrinth CurseForge
QChatLink CurseForge
DatChat CurseForge outdated
Discord Fabric Whitelister CurseForge outdated
Interweave CurseForge outdated


MatterLink CurseForge outdated


Stream Participation CurseForge links bit donations to mcfunctions

Claims/World Protection

Flan CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge


Aliases Modrinth CurseForge
Command Aliases Modrinth CurseForge
Fabrication CurseForge
GlobalSpawn Modrinth CurseForge
Image2Map Modrinth CurseForge
Impersonate Modrinth CurseForge
More Commands Mod CurseForge
Player Roles Modrinth CurseForge
Roll CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
Vanish CurseForge
Wires Modrinth CurseForge previously Server Simplified
Command Alias Creator CurseForge outdated
Gestus CurseForge outdated
Handy Structures CurseForge outdated
MaskOfLoki's Fabric Tweaks CurseForge outdated
pride CurseForge outdated
SetPlayerData CurseForge outdated
Slapmap CurseForge GitHub outdated
Tagboard CurseForge outdated
capit_alists' gameplay commands CurseForge outdated
Walaryne's Fly Mod CurseForge outdated
Who's pet is this? CurseForge outdated, abandoned


Lapis Warps CurseForge
QuickHomes CurseForge
QuickTeleports CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
The Warp Mod Modrinth CurseForge
FabricHomes Modrinth CurseForge succeeded by BlossomHomes, outdated
FabricTPA Modrinth CurseForge succeeded by BlossomTPA, outdated
FabricWarps Modrinth CurseForge succeeded by BlossomWarps, outdated
FabriKommander CurseForge outdated
Random Teleport CurseForge outdated


Dihydrogen Monoxide Reloaded Modrinth CurseForge


Grand Economy Modrinth CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
Universal Shops Modrinth CurseForge
GShop Modrinth CurseForge outdated


Solar Apocalypse: Refabricated Modrinth CurseForge
BattleMod CurseForge outdated
Manhunt Modrinth CurseForge outdated
SoulSplit (ThirdLife) CurseForge outdated


Configured Keep Inventory CurseForge
FilledToTheBrim Modrinth CurseForge GitHub works best with client mod installed
Game Start CurseForge
Inv View Modrinth CurseForge
Inventory Sorting CurseForge
ItemRename Modrinth CurseForge GitHub
Lootstrap CurseForge
GVault Modrinth CurseForge outdated
keepinventory-command CurseForge outdated
SimpleServerSorter CurseForge outdated
Starting Notes CurseForge outdated



Carpet CurseForge GitHub
Fast Furnace for Fabric CurseForge
FerriteCore Modrinth CurseForge
Lithium Modrinth CurseForge
Phosphor Modrinth CurseForge incompatible with Starlight
Recipe Cache CurseForge
RandomPatches Modrinth CurseForge outdated

Affects behaviour

These mods make significant changes that may impact behaviour in-game, or reduce the work done (e.g. ticking, chunk loading) by the server. Technical servers may not want to use these.

Overworld Two CurseForge outdated


Simple Quests CurseForge

Server Management

UPNP for dedicated servers CurseForge
DynRes Modrinth CurseForge
Erroring Entity Remover Modrinth CurseForge
Never Tick Alone CurseForge
Reload server.properties CurseForge
ServerStop CurseForge
Servux CurseForge
TellMe CurseForge
Username Remap CurseForge
Wires Modrinth CurseForge previously Server Simplified
ModUpdater CurseForge outdated
PathWatcher CurseForge outdated
ReloadAnnouncer CurseForge outdated
TBPlugin CurseForge outdated
Fabric Restart CurseForge abandoned
Fabrilous Updater CurseForge outdated, abandoned

Anticheat/Anti X-ray


Textile Backup Modrinth CurseForge
Auto Backup CurseForge outdated
Minesave CurseForge outdated


Better Fabric Console CurseForge GitHub
Cyanide CurseForge
JLine for Dedicated Server CurseForge
mclo.gs CurseForge
Shut Up Console CurseForge outdated
Translated Server Log CurseForge outdated
Fabric Console CurseForge outdated, abandoned


Packie CurseForge
Data Loader CurseForge outdated


Carpet Gamerules CurseForge


CommandSpy CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
DeltaLogger CurseForge supersedes WatchTower and BlockLogger, outdated



Player Roles Modrinth CurseForge
Wires Modrinth CurseForge previously Server Simplified
TeamPerms Modrinth CurseForge outdated


Chunk Pregenerator (Fabric) CurseForge
Chunky Pregenerator Modrinth CurseForge


Carpet CurseForge GitHub
Spark Modrinth CurseForge

Protocol tricks - Cross-version/edition compatibility, resource packs for client-required mods

Proxy forwarding (BungeeCord/Waterfall/Velocity)

CrossStitch Modrinth CurseForge
Fabric Forwarding Modrinth CurseForge
Trampoline CurseForge outdated

Resource packs

Server List modifications

MiniMOTD Modrinth CurseForge
Server Ping Modrinth CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge


Plan CurseForge
RPGStats Modrinth CurseForge

Tab List modifications




AntiLogout Modrinth CurseForge
AttackSpeedPlus CurseForge
CombatEdit CurseForge
Freezma CurseForge
Headshot CurseForge
Snowball and Egg Knockback Modrinth CurseForge


Anvil Crushing Recipes Modrinth CurseForge
Gimme bundles! Modrinth CurseForge
NBT Crafting Modrinth CurseForge
Logical Recipes CurseForge outdated


Better Dispensers CurseForge
Mechanical Dispensers CurseForge


Better Impaling CurseForge
EnchantmentDisabler CurseForge
Overpowered Mending Modrinth CurseForge
Disable Riptide CurseForge outdated


Old Fish Farm CurseForge outdated


Survival Flight CurseForge
BeaconFlight CurseForge outdated
Disable Elytra Flight CurseForge outdated
Totally Balanced Creative Flying CurseForge outdated

Game Mechanics Tweaks

Anvil Fix Modrinth CurseForge works best with client mod installed
Bedrock Destroyer CurseForge
Better Beacon / Conduit CurseForge
Blastproof Netherite CurseForge
Carpet Extra CurseForge
Carpet TIS Addition Modrinth CurseForge
Carpet CurseForge GitHub
Context-Specific Immunity CurseForge
Cooperative Advancements CurseForge
Copper Hopper CurseForge
Cropped Modrinth CurseForge GitHub
Discerning Furnace Modrinth CurseForge
Dispenser Configurator Modrinth CurseForge
Experience Beacons for Carpet CurseForge
Fabrication CurseForge
Fence Player Upper Modrinth CurseForge
FilledToTheBrim Modrinth CurseForge GitHub works best with client mod installed
Fire's Survival Tweaks Modrinth CurseForge
Fluid Physics CurseForge
Instant Fertilization CurseForge
Interdimensional Map Markers CurseForge
Lapis Reserve CurseForge
Lengthy Ladders CurseForge
Lightning Prevention CurseForge
Limited Spawner CurseForge
No Sneaking Over Magma! Modrinth CurseForge
Piston push limit CurseForge
Push To Craft CurseForge
QuickCarpet Modrinth CurseForge
Realistic Fire Spread CurseForge
Scaffold Forever CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
SlipperyWalls CurseForge
TickTock CurseForge
TrampleDisabler CurseForge
Unlimited Dragon Eggs Modrinth CurseForge
Bed Stability CurseForge outdated
Bedrock Blocks CurseForge outdated
Lid Space CurseForge outdated
Make Every Biome Spawnable Lol CurseForge outdated
MaskOfLoki's Fabric Tweaks CurseForge outdated
Piston Control CurseForge outdated, works best with client mod installed
Silky Spawners CurseForge outdated
Spawner Config CurseForge outdated
Trample Stopper CurseForge outdated


AntiLogout Modrinth CurseForge
Configured Keep Inventory CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
Universal Graves Modrinth CurseForge
keepinventory-command CurseForge outdated
Ueaj's Graves CurseForge outdated
VanillaDeathChest Modrinth CurseForge outdated


Audaki Cart Engine CurseForge
Block Under Fast Minecart CurseForge
Cart Boosts CurseForge
Speed Carts CurseForge


Advanced Golems CurseForge
Always Drop Loot Modrinth CurseForge
Beacons For All CurseForge
Camp Fires Cook Mobs Modrinth CurseForge
Chicken Nerf Modrinth CurseForge
Custom Piglin Bartering Modrinth CurseForge
Custom Spawns CurseForge
Daylight Mobs Reborn Modrinth CurseForge
Endermen are Friends CurseForge
Environmental Creepers CurseForge
Per Player Spawns CurseForge
Farsighted Mobs CurseForge
Hauling Hogs CurseForge
Improved Mobs CurseForge
Mob Rebirth Modrinth CurseForge
Mob Filter Modrinth CurseForge
Mobs Attempt Parkour Modrinth CurseForge
Name Bros Modrinth CurseForge GitHub
No Creeper Holes! CurseForge
No Mob Farms Modrinth CurseForge
Peaceful Skeletons CurseForge
Pigless Portals Modrinth CurseForge
playerless Modrinth CurseForge
Project: Save the Pets! Modrinth CurseForge
Proper Mobcap Modifier CurseForge
Steed Stopper CurseForge
The Loved Ones CurseForge
Daylight Mobs CurseForge outdated
MobCapped CurseForge outdated
No Ambient Mobs CurseForge outdated
No Striders CurseForge outdated

New Game Mechanics

Biome Technologies Modrinth CurseForge
Patbox's Brewery Modrinth CurseForge
Carpet Extra CurseForge
Carpet TIS Addition Modrinth CurseForge
Carpet CurseForge GitHub
Chain Suspension CurseForge
Compostable Rotten Flesh CurseForge
Dance of Growth CurseForge
Fabrication CurseForge
FastGrowth Modrinth CurseForge
Fire's Survival Tweaks Modrinth CurseForge
Gentle Picking Modrinth CurseForge
Ghastly Wail Modrinth CurseForge
Harmful Stonecutters CurseForge
Home Camp Modrinth CurseForge
Infinity Water Bucket Modrinth CurseForge
Name Bros Modrinth CurseForge GitHub
Pisces CurseForge
PlayerPig CurseForge
Punch2Prime Modrinth CurseForge
QuickCarpet Modrinth CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
SlimyFloor CurseForge
Snow Under Trees Modrinth CurseForge
Snowy CurseForge
StitchedSnow Modrinth CurseForge
Unforgiving Void Modrinth CurseForge
Flora Doubling CurseForge outdated
Imbued Torches CurseForge outdated
Notchify CurseForge outdated
Splash Concrete CurseForge outdated
VanillaEndervators CurseForge outdated
Olifantenpad CurseForge abandoned


Economical Villager Trading Modrinth CurseForge
InfiniteVillagerTrading Modrinth CurseForge
SimpleVillagers Modrinth CurseForge
Villager See, Villager Do Modrinth CurseForge
VillagerConfig Modrinth CurseForge
VillagerTradeFix CurseForge

Utility / Quality of Life

Better Signs & Frames Modrinth CurseForge
ChestRefill Modrinth CurseForge
Clumps CurseForge
Couplings CurseForge works best with client mod installed
Cropped Modrinth CurseForge GitHub
Lakotnik - Hunger Preview Modrinth CurseForge
Monsters in the Closet Modrinth CurseForge
Suitably Stackable Stew CurseForge
I Am Very Smart CurseForge outdated
SimpleHarvest CurseForge outdated


Hat command Modrinth CurseForge GitHub
MAmbience CurseForge requires resource pack
Villager Names Modrinth CurseForge

Sleep (Voting/Acceleration/etc)

Better Safe Bed CurseForge
Day Dream Modrinth CurseForge
Sewing Machine Utilities CurseForge
SleepWarp CurseForge
Better Respawn CurseForge outdated
BetterSleeping CurseForge outdated
BetterSleepPlus CurseForge outdated
Hypnos Modrinth CurseForge outdated
SleepPunisher CurseForge outdated
Wake Up CurseForge outdated

Tree/Leaf removal/decay

Fabric Tree Chopper CurseForge
Falling Tree Modrinth CurseForge
Leaf Decay CurseForge
Trees Do Not Float Modrinth CurseForge
Leaf Me Alone CurseForge outdated

Web Maps

BlueMap Modrinth CurseForge
Dynmap CurseForge


Castle Dungeons CurseForge
Cave Biomes CurseForge
Cavenabler CurseForge
Classic Beaches CurseForge
Survival Island CurseForge
Lakeside Modrinth CurseForge
Mo' Structures Modrinth CurseForge
Modern Beta CurseForge
Repurposed Structures Modrinth CurseForge
Simply Improved Terrain CurseForge
Smoother Bedrock CurseForge
Stonevaults, Dungeons & Towers CurseForge
Structure World Modrinth CurseForge
Tatters Skyblock CurseForge
Terralith ~ Overworld Evolved CurseForge
Vanilla+ Biomes CurseForge incorrect biome colors when not on client
When Dungeons Arise Modrinth CurseForge
Wool Temples CurseForge
Yeet The Tall Grass! CurseForge
YUNG's Better Caves CurseForge
YUNG's Better Mineshafts CurseForge
YUNG's Better Strongholds CurseForge
Smooth Bedrock (<=1.16.1) CurseForge outdated
Climatic World Type CurseForge outdated
No Lakes CurseForge outdated
NoWaterCaves CurseForge outdated
SecureSeed CurseForge outdated
Simplex Terrain Generation CurseForge outdated
Upstream CurseForge outdated
Smooth Bedrock by Blayyke Modrinth CurseForge abandoned